Get Checked

Notification of results and therapies

You will receive the results in the following format:

NEGATIVE means there is NO infection.

POSITIVE means there is an infection. Please consult a doctor in the next few days to initiate treatment.

if positive chlamydia result you can start antibiotic therapy directly in the ​Apotheke refer.

if Positive gonorrhea or syphilis (Lues screening test) Resultat please contact one of these offices:

7 a.m. - 10 p.m. daily: Medical team in the City Emergency Bern: Tel. 031 326 20 00 ,

Women: Dr. med. Karoline Aebi-Popp, Practice in the Women's Center Lindenhofspital, Bremgartenstrasse 119, 3012 Bern Tel. 031 300 85 80

Men: Dr. med. Christoph Hauser, c/o Praxis Prolindo, Lindenhofspital, Bremgartenstrasse 119, 3001 Bern Tel. 076 226 96 94

You can of course also contact a doctor of your choice.

For simple questions you can contact our contact also use.

For more complex consultations on STIs, symptoms or hepatitis/HIV diagnosis and treatment, please make an appointment with Dr. Aebi-Popp or Dr. Hauser at Lindenhofspital. We will be happy to help you.